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Get paid what you deserve.
The largest database of influencer brand deals—by creators, for creators.
Get Access to FYPMOver 24,000 verified reviews on 10,000+ brand collabs, creator agencies and platforms. Find out how much to charge before signing a deal.
See what brands really pay 👀
- 🚀Stop undercharging—see what brands pay before setting your rates
- 👀Spot the brands that ghost, delay payments, or underpay
- 💡Curate your dream partnerships with collab wishlist & gift registry
- 🔍Discover the deals creators are actually getting—transparently
📊 Industry Research & Creator Pay Insights
The most accurate data on creator pay & brand deal trends. Used by brands, agencies, journalists & investors.
Benchmarking Reports
Updated annually, this is the industry's most in-depth breakdown of influencer pay, pricing trends, and what brands are actually paying for sponsorships.
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You know who's not struggling with late payments? The CEO of that brand that still hasn't paid your invoice.
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💡 1:1 Strategy Session with Lindsey Lugrin
Whether you're a creator, brand, or entrepreneur, this is your chance to get expert, no-BS advice tailored to you from our founder.
- 🤳 Creators: Get help identifying the right brand deals, pitching yourself, leveraging FYPM, negotiating better rates and building a sustainable career.
- 📈 Brands & Entrepreneurs: Learn how to price competitively, build meaningful creator relationships, launch a GTM strategy, or just make sense of the creator economy.
- 🚨 This is an open-ended Ask Me Anything session—not a legal service. I won't redline your contracts, but I WILL help you navigate this space like a pro